Panasonic Launches Demonstration of Pure Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generators for Chillers
JAPAN: Panasonic has announced the initiation of a demonstration experiment aimed at using the heat generated from pure hydrogen fuel cell generators as a heat source for an absorption chiller. This experiment will take place at the H2 KIBOU FIELD facility, which utilizes renewable energy to provide the electricity needed for production in the fuel cell factory. This experiment represents the industry's first effort to use chilled water from an absorption chiller to significantly enhance the energy efficiency of commercial air conditioners, with a goal of reducing power consumption by 50%. Additionally, it aims to address the challenge of utilizing heat below 80°C, accounting for about 70% of industrial waste heat, by lowering the minimum heat source temperature required by absorption chillers. Improvements have been made to increase the durability of the system, raising the recoverable heat temperature from 60°C to 70°C. Through this demonstration, Panasonic seeks to achieve 95% energy efficiency by leveraging both heat and electric power.
Source: Panasonic