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UK adds 8,000 heat pump installers in 2023


In the UK, there were around 8,000 more certified heat pump installers last year compared to 2022, a 166% increase.

The Heat Pump Association (HPA) has released new statistics showing that 7,856 people met the qualifying threshold last year, a considerable rise over the 2,951 who did so in 2022. Although the HPA did not estimate the present number of installers, historical data from the sector indicates that there may be 14,000 or so. The UK is well on its way to achieving the estimated 27,000 certified engineers required by 2028 to meet Government ambitions to decarbonise heating provided these most recent results are sustained.

The exponential rise indicates the rising interest in and investment in heat pumps in the UK, even if the most recent data is unable to determine whether qualified workers are already employed in the industry.

A significant portion of the 10,807 qualifying persons during the past two years will have been awarded funds from different government programmes, such as the Heat Training Grant, skills bootcamps, and the Home Decarbonisation Skills Training Competition.

"We expect this upward trend to continue in 2024," the HPA stated in a statement, noting that the Heat Training Grant would be able to assist about 6,000 extra heat pump trainees in England over the next 13 months.

Laura Needham, chair of the HPA's training working group, stated, "We are witnessing a pivotal moment in the shift towards the acceleration of heat pump deployment and the sector is leading the charge." "The industry is investing in creating a solid foundation to train the workforce required to meet our net zero targets, with government support." Change is afoot, as seen by the notable rise in the number of qualified heat pump installation. Meeting the government's net zero targets depends on having a network of certified, capable, and dedicated heat pump installers.



Source: HPA


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