Serbia Opens Bids for EBRD-Supported Renewable District Energy Initiative

Serbia: The Serbian mining ministry is seeking consultancy services for the implementation of a €41.9 million (46.3 million USD) renewable district energy project supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). The procurement for project implementation support and works supervision services will open on September 4, with interested companies invited to submit bids by October 14.
The project, which targets ten small and medium-sized cities across Serbia—including Pancevo, Vrsac, Kraljevo, Nis, Bogatic, Becej, Krusevac, Novi Pazar, Paracin, and Kragujevac—aims to invest in renewable and waste heat-based generation. The EBRD has committed a 33 million USD loan and administered grants of 4.4 million USD to support the initiative. Additional funding includes a €6 million grant from the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and 1.66 million USD from the European Union's Regional Energy Efficiency Programme (REEP). The project also includes measures for the modernization of substations and existing district heating networks.
Source: SEE News