Ontario Introduces Home Energy Efficiency Rebate Scheme

Canada: The government of Ontario is launching the Home Renovation Savings Program on 28 January, which will offer rebates covering up to 30% of costs for energy-efficient upgrades. These include heat pumps, rooftop solar panels, battery storage, and upgrades such as new windows, doors, and insulation. Later in the year, the scheme will expand to include rebates for energy-efficient appliances like refrigerators and freezers.
This initiative is part of a CAD 10.9 billion (USD 7.6 billion) 12-year investment in energy efficiency, aiming to cut the province’s peak demand by 3 GW by 2036. Other measures include the continuation of the Retrofit Program for businesses and support for low-income households, municipalities, and agricultural sectors. The province is also progressing with a competitive procurement exercise targeting 5 GW of new energy projects, including solar, bioenergy, and wind, by 2034.
Source: PV Magazine