Ideal Heating and EDF Launch Heat Pump Bundle with Free Electricity Offer

UK: Ideal Heating has teamed up with EDF to introduce a heat pump bundle, potentially offering free electricity for December 2025. The three-year Heat Pump and Power Tracker tariff includes a seven-year warranty and service package for the heat pump, valued at over US$1947. The tariff provides six hours of discounted zero-carbon electricity daily throughout the year, delivering savings of at least US$524 compared to standard variable rates. Available until 31 December 2024, customers who sign up and fully transition their property off gas could enjoy zero energy bills for December 2025. The tariff provides two off-peak periods, from 4am to 7am and 1pm to 4pm, allowing customers to reduce their bills further by adjusting their household energy usage during these times.
Source: Ideal Heating