France's Battle Strategy to Create 1 Million Heat Pumps Annually
France: On Monday, April 15, the French Minister of Economy and Energy, Bruno Le Maire, presented the government's proposal to revitalize its heat pump industry. This strategy comes at a time when the production of heat pumps in Europe is experiencing a collapse.

The French government is required to manufacture one million heat pumps by the end of 2027, according to an announcement made by President Emmanuel Macron in September of 2023. On Monday, Le Maire and Roland Lescure, who is his Minister Delegate in charge of Energy and Industry, disclosed the plan that the government has intended to implement in order to accomplish this.
In France, which is the largest market and manufacturer of heat pumps in Europe, heat accounts for forty-five percent of the total energy consumption, and over two thirds of this heating is produced by fossil fuels.
Source: Euractiv France