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2023 Market Challenges: Sales Decline in most European countries, Yet Russia and Turkey See Increase


Updated: Jul 9, 2024

Bathroom & Kitchen Market Reports 2024 Tier 1 & 2 countries

BRG is pleased to announce the recent publication of the 2024 Bathroom and Kitchen market reports for its tiers 1 and 2 countries.

BRG reports provide an in-depth overview of the most recent developments in the bathroom and kitchen market in several European countries, including market trends, price developments, sales per sector, supply structure, and distribution patterns.

Market Overview

In 2023, almost all countries witnessed strong declines in sales volumes across most product groups, continuing the negative trend that started in mid-2022, although certain countries weathered the pressures somewhat better than others. Most countries saw a double-digit decline, with Germany and Sweden having suffered the most, but developments in the Netherlands, Poland and Italy were also poor, while the United Kingdom, France and Italy held up significantly better. Russia and Turkey were the only countries to have seen increased volume sales in 2023.


Declining construction markets have affected market development in most countries, particularly in Germany and the United Kingdom, while other countries have experienced more modest declines. Larger bathroom items, such as ceramic sanitary ware, baths and showers, and bathroom furniture, are particularly reliant on new construction activities. Sales of smaller bathroom items, as a result, held up better in most countries.


Weak replacement sales, including like-for-like replacement and bathroom upgrades, had a particularly strong negative impact on the bathroom and kitchen market in 2023. The latter part of 2022 saw a steep decline in consumer spending, which continued throughout most of 2023. The 'cost of living crisis' has squeezed the disposable incomes of many households, with food costs rising sharply, as well as energy costs for both gas and electricity. Weak RMI spending over the last two years has been partly affected by booming renovation spending during lockdown in 2020, but also in the following year, combined with low mortgage rates. The lack of installers is also still impacting developments in the bathroom market, with many opting to install heating equipment at the expense of taking on bathroom renovation jobs.


When looking at 2024 and 2025, market developments are expected to be relatively flat across most countries, with most countries still expected to see a minor decline due to the slowdown in construction activities. RMI spending is forecast to slowly start increasing again due to essential repairs. 


The countries included in our latest publication are as follows :

  • North America

    • USA and Canada

  • Western Europe

    • France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and United Kingdom

  • Eastern Europe

    • Czech Republic, Poland and Russia

  • Middle East

    • Saudi Arabia

    • UAE

  • Africa

    • Egypt

  • South Asia

    • India

You can find a top-line view of the latest market trends and expected 2024 forecast for selected published countries :


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