Azerbaijan Introduces New Energy Efficiency Standards for Cooling and Gas Appliances

Azerbaijan: The Azerbaijan Standardization Institute (AZSTAND), under the State Service for Antimonopoly and Consumer Market Supervision, has introduced two new state standards: AZS EN 15218:2025 for "Air conditioners and liquid chillers with evaporative cooling condensers" and AZS EN 30-2-1:2025 for "Gas-fired household kitchen appliances—Energy efficiency." These standards establish requirements for efficiency, safety, and energy performance in air conditioners, liquid chillers, and gas-fired appliances used for space cooling, aiming to lower energy consumption costs and enhance market competitiveness. Approved by AZSTAND and included in the State Fund of Normative Documents on Standardization, the standards were reviewed by the Technical Committee on Standardization of "Electric Power and Renewable Energy" (AZSTAND/TK 46).
Source: Azernews