Panasonic Reports Rising Demand for High-Capacity CO2 Condensing Units in Europe and the U.S.

Europe: Panasonic is experiencing rising demand for its higher-capacity CO2 (R744) outdoor condensing units (OCUs) as businesses in Europe and the U.S. shift toward natural refrigerant technologies, according to Gaku Shimada, General Manager of the Condensing Unit Engineering Department. Traditionally focused on 2HP to 10HP units, Panasonic is now promoting larger-capacity options, particularly the 20HP model introduced earlier this year. Although only 1% of the 600 CO2 OCUs sold in Europe from April to August 2024 were 20HP units, Shimada emphasized that interest is growing, with plans to showcase the unit at Chillventa 2024 in Nuremberg, Germany. Furthermore, the company hopes to introduce 40HP and 80HP OCUs to the European market in the future.
Source: Natural Refrigerants