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Irish Homes to Receive €2,400 Subsidy for Installing Solar Panels


Ireland: Irish households can apply for the Solar Electricity Grant of up to €2,400 to install solar panels, potentially saving them around €1,000 on annual energy bills. The grant helps offset the cost of purchasing and installing solar panels, which can significantly reduce electricity use and hot water heating expenses. This grant covers the cost of both materials and labour for homeowners. However, if the homeowner is a contractor installing the solar panels themselves, only the cost of materials will be covered.

Ireland's Micro-generation Support Scheme, launched in December 2021, provides grants for installing solar panels on homes. The maximum grant is €2,400, with the amount depending on the system size. For example, a small 2-bedroom home with a 2.5 kWp system would receive €1,725 grant in 2024.

Source: Irish Mirror


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