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Heat Pumps Dominate German New Constructions


GERMANY: Despite a recent 52% drop in sales, heat pumps are now the most common heating method in new buildings in Germany. According to the most recent data from Germany's federal statistical office, over two-thirds (64.6%) of the nearly 96,800 residential buildings built in Germany in 2023 would use heat pumps for primary energy. The share increased by 8 percentage points from 2022 and has more than doubled since 2014. Heat pumps were installed in 68.9% of all single- and two-family homes erected in 2023, although they were far less prevalent in multi-family homes (41.1%). The trend towards heating with renewable energies is also visible in the design of new residential structures. 80.7% of the approximately 67,900 residential buildings approved for 2023 will be heated primarily with renewable energy. In most cases, these are heat pumps, which will be used as the major heating source in 76.3% of permitted new buildings.  

Source: Germany's federal statistical office

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